Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What type of Paintball Team Culture?

Gambar yang mengingatkan aku pasal citer semut diabetik....
  1. "Team Culture" - Tajuk omputih tapi aku tulis campur. Mengikut Google Tranlate  maksudnya adalah "Budaya Pasukan". Tapi apa yang aku nak sampaikan bukanlah kebudayaan seperti kesenian dan sebagainya.  Walaupun ia memang satu seni untuk membentuk atau menerap suatu Team Culture atau Budaya Pasukan.
  2. Apa yang aku cuba nak ajak Bros semua berfikir dan menilai  bersama adalah, "Apakah budaya/nilai pasukan yang mahu kita terapkan?" Basicnya aku nak ajak Bros untuk berfikir sejenak tentang nilai dan identiti pasukan kita, B.O.M.B. Dengan ini kita akan membentuk sahsiah pasukan paintballer yang membuahkan keseronokan dan pastinya membentuk nilai diri setiap individu.
  3. Perhatikan dan nilai dengan seikhlas hati: Adakah kita mahu suasana team yang bercelaru tidak teratur, penuh rasa tidak puashati, kurang displin, kurang comitment, tidak bertangungjawab, tiada hormat-menghormati, saling salah menyalah. Sharing daripada rakan Paintballer kita Bros Zam, bahawa kebanyakan team paintballer banyak menggunakan 4 letter word. Adakah kita mahukan nilai sebegini?
  4. Tangungjawab siapa terap nilai/budaya? Confirm semua orang akan kata team leader atau manager dan seumpamanya. Betul, so kita yang bukan team leader bukan part of the team. Sebenarnya ia tanggungjawab setiap ahli dalam team tersebut. Tidak jadi team/pasukan jika hanya ada team leader saja. Sharing daripada team paintballer senior yang mengatakan kekalahan mereka adalah kerana pasukan tidak ikut perancangan. Bukan Team leader, tapi keseluruhan ahli team itu kerana yang kalah bukan team leader tapi TEAM.
  5. Pada pandangan aku, terdapat 3 kategori besar yang menunjukkan (perceived) apakah nilai atau suasana sebenar sesebuah pasukan paintball. Setiap kategori akan aku cover dalam artikel akan datang (kalau aku ada masa ler).
    • Equipment Care
    • Skill & Tactic Improvement
    • Personal Value 
  6. Demi sukan Paintball yang kita cintai ini, mari kita bina suatu team yang bukan self-center tapi mampu membentuk sebuah pergerakan mercenaries yang mempunyai nilai  yang menjadi ikutan bukan kita mengikut orang lain... 
Hidup B.O.M.B...........

Monday, 17 June 2013

Like Sniper

Team mate yang minat jadi sniper. Tontonlah video ni. 

B.O.M.B Clinched Spirit Cup Title


Finally, the MPSJ YDP Paintball Cup is over. Exhausting yet exhilarating. Despite some controversial hiccups, B.O.M.B managed to stand together till the end. This cup have taught us many valuable lessons. Exposure and experience gained from this tournament are our precious.

We always aims high but what matters most is our wills to improve and accept good values as our companion along our journey to be second to none team. B.O.M.B brothers should be proud of themselves. Continuous team spirit and great teamwork are amongst obvious qualities seen during the tournament. Leave no man behind. Nobody is perfect. We are progressing at good pace within our learning eclipse. Yet there is room for super duper improvement.

So what have B.O.M.B achieved in this tournament? Since this story will not be in mainstream local newspaper, let me tell you right here, B.O.M.B managed to clinch the Spirit Cup champion title! Good job and congratulations to all B.O.M.B brothers.

It's worth noting that B.O.M.B was among the best 4 team of a preliminary group, that qualified for the second round. Good achievement for us. At least we are on the right track to pursue further success.

Enough talking bros... let photos do the talks... enjoy some of the pics below. For more, visit this link and like our page as well ;). https://www.facebook.com/B.O.M.BPaintball

ps: to our brothers who didn't get the chance to take part this time due to injury and other commitments, thank you for the morale support!

The Boss! B'wang aka Bajau laut :p keep us updated on tournament progress.

The 'X'
The 'Z'

The Kapitan n Commander

The B.O.M.Bastic (not in the pic is team manager B'wang and Yoyo)

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The More The Marrier

14 June - finally 1st entry for this month. busy..busy..busy...busy.. only now i can continue to write to keep you guys updated. Ok 1st thing 1st, we have a 2nd training session on the 2nd of June at our home ground training which is at D.A.R.C but on that day, is the new beginning of our new recruit and we would like to give a warm welcome to our brother Salim

OK nothing much to tell you guys about our training but i would to invite all of you to come to our 1st tournament entry at 


Support our local B.O.M.B X and B.O.M.B Z troopers

p.s : - feel free to view our 2nd training session picture thanks to our bro BEN. Nice pic


'MPSJ YDP Paintball Cup'
15 & 16 June 2013

Good Luck.

Taklimat akan diadakan pada 14hb June 2013 di Kompleks 3C,
Bandar Sunway, Jam 8.30 malam.
Semua dijemput hadir.

8. E-W 1
9. E-W 2
10. E-W 3
11. B.O.M.B (X)
12. B.O.M.B (Z)
15. X-TRA
16. REX UP
19. TUAH
20. PJPC